In the shocking 46-minute conclusion to an equally shocking 4-minute episode of Night Moves...Danielle, Rich, and Moisés barely discuss Thanksgiving, time zones, and the un-boring versions of world/space travel. (Part 2 of 2)
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Maximum Absorbency Garments originally required astronauts to disclose the size of their most personal payload.
That's right, Deezenators! There's an official Eddie Deezen website for all us nerds! Wait...I think he writes all these posts and...there went three hours down a rathole.
THANK YOU BASED COKE GOD. Some people work on cures for major diseases. Others dedicate time and effort to reviving soda sub-brands that cause Diabetes and probably various others!
Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski is a book about human sexuality "powered by science". Pre-order it now so that 3 March 2015 can be a day of awakening and liberation for you.
Yan Can Cook, don't you ever let us down.
Chinese Cubans have their on Wikipedia page!
The first tipoff to a recipe for "Cuban Black Beans" being inauthentic is when you see it claim to be "authentic" or "classic". The whole point of it being the staple dish is there are a thousand variations. Every working-class family has their own slight variant.
I'm glad the forum of record for such things, the Steve Jackson Games one, is addressing IntraLunar Travel.
Rich is part Native Mooninite , so show some goddamned respect, ok?