A case study of the cable/broadband industry's customer service tactics, from the recent spate of Comcast recorded calls to our host's first-hand experience with new kid on the block: AT&T GigaPower.
Ever been signed up for a contract without your consent and then been told "no, I'm like...they read you those disclosures?"
It would be great if this show resulted in AT&T calling me back, making good on promised credits, or making sure their service would stop going out at random intervals.
Part 1 in an ongoing series: "Disconnecting Telecom"
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Show Notes and Links
- This episode of the show was already in the works before the "Ryan and Veronica" call melted down the internet, or the "Tim Davis" one took Reddit by storm. They provide an excellent lead-in to my own GigaPower experience.
- Ryan Block and Veronice Belmont's
- The Verge article on Comcast's customer service and cancellation call flows.
- The almost-lost episode of Giant Size with Merlin Mann, Rich Stevens, and co-host John Gholson.