John and Moisés hosted two "sketch duels" at Dallas Fan Days this fall. One of them lent itself nicely to a light "creator sampler" episode. The other was an unmitigated, glorious, and hilarious disaster.
Left-to-Right: Crain, Raney, Banks
Audio levels and quality are a little dicey in a few places due to multiple not-as-reliable-as-we'd-like source files. This episode has gone through more post-production than any episode of any ESN show yet.
Clayton Crain: ComicBookDB, Twitter, Facebook
Tom Raney: ComicBookDB, Twitter, Facebook
Darryl Banks: ComicBookDB, Twitter, Facebook
Simon Bisley: ComicBookDB
Mike McKone: ComicBookDB, Twitter, Facebook
Brought to you by
The Hammer by Kelley Jones from IDW
Red Star Deluxe Volume 1 from IDW
Reading List
Rai (volume 1)
Stormwatch Ellis/Crain (volume 1)
The Authority (volume 1)
Green Lantern written by Ron Marz and drawn by Darryl Banks was great, but is bizarrely out of print
Avengers by Roy Thomas: Kree/Skrull War is a good collection among many, many great issues. All of Thomas' Avengers should be on Marvel Unlimited.
Fantastic Four by John Byrne (volume 1, omnibus). All of Byrne's Fantastic Four should be on Marvel Unlimited.
Show Notes and Links
Below: Bisley drawing the kid, the actual kid, the French Christmas Tree Hat Dog, and finally, adorable cosplaying kids