We memorialize some great comics cancelled in 2014 with a truly Giant-Size episode that is full of complete runs you can start and finish (for the most part) right now.
Brought to you by
IDW: Out this week - Galaxy Quest #1(of 4), Zombies vs Robots #1(ongoing), Star Trek: Planet of the Apes #2(of5), Popeye Classics #30
Special Guest
Kevin Wada (twitter) posts amazing art on Tumblr, has done gorgeous covers for the now-ending run of She-Hulk, and has a lot up his sleeve in terms of upcoming work and talent. Become a fan now so you can be a Kevin Wada hipster later.
Related Episodes
Artist Edition 59: the exact same interview found in this episode, but isolated on its own for your re-listening convenience.
"Dexter", before.
Reading List
As always, tons of the below might already be on Marvel Unlimited.
Superior Foes of Spider-Man
written by Nick Spencer (twitter), drawn by Steve Lieber (twitter, blog)
also written by Nick Spencer
Bedlam finds a reformed serial killer trying to help protect rather than destroy (Vol1/Vol2), as featured in Giant Size ORIGINS #13 (posting soon)
Morning Glories is “Runaways meets LOST”(Vol1 compendium includes #1-38, seven volumes of TPBs)
Ant-Man (2015)
also drawn by Steve Lieber
Quantum and Woody Must Die (2014), among loads and load of other things
soon from both: whatever this is
Superior Spider-Man
written by Dan Slott (twitter), drawn by Ryan Stegman (twitter) & various others
Hardcovers (around $25 each): Vol1/Vol2/Vol3
We recommend the hardcovers based on their overall bang-for-buck relative to additional content they include, like the Amazing Spider-Man 698-700 lead-in issues. The TPBs run around $15 each and start here.
The Vol3 hardcover includes 17 issues, or almost both of its predecessors combined, for roughly the same price as just one of them.
also mentioned here
Slingers and the 100+issue run of “MC2” Spider-Girl, all of which is OOP in TPB form, but all of which should be on Marvel Unlimited
also written by Dan Slott
"Dex-Starr", after
Avengers Arena & Avengers Undercover
written by Dennis Hopeless (twitter)
Characters in Avengers Arena come from precursor series
Runaways is fantastic, and a great Brian K Vaughn discovery if you've been hooked on his other writing (Complete Collections Vol1, Vol2, Vol3 )
Avengers Academy ran five volumes worth (Vol1/Vol2/Vol3/Vol4/Vol5), but don't be fooled into thinking the Avengers Academy: Arcade TPB is a bunch of pre-Arena Arcade story. It adds two vintage Arcade-focused comics to Avengers Academy GIANT-SIZE #1.
also by Dennis Hopeless (among many others)
Spider-Woman (2014)
written by Charles Soule (twitter), drawn by Javier Pulido, with covers by “Kick-Ass Bad-Ass” Kevin Wada (twitter)
Ron Wimberley did some amazing fill-in work, and is an artist to watch.
All-New Ghost Rider
written by Felipe Smith (twitter) and (mostly) drawn by Tradd Moore (twitter)
TPB Vol1/Vol2 not yet solicited
Moisés wrote a really long first-ever letter to a Marvel comic, and it was the first one they published in “ANGR” (issue #4). It's embedded as a JPEG at the very end of the show notes.
written by Matt Fraction (twitter), drawn by David Aja (twitter) & Annie Wu (twitter)
An Omnibus Edition containing the whole run is set for release this spring.
Hardcover Vol1 (#1-11)/Vol2 (#12-22, Annual #1) out August 2015
also by Matt Fraction
ODY-C with art from certified MONSTER-LEVEL talent Christian Ward
Sex Criminals with art from NEW HOWARD THE DUCK WRITER Chip Zdarsky
“Classic” Archie
don't read any of the old stuff if you don't feel especially moved to do so
Afterlife with Archie (Vol1) is a genuinely great horror comic that doesn't rely on you liking Archie in the first place.
Replaced soon by a completely overhauled Archie universe written by Mark Waid and drawn by Fiona Staples.
Swamp Thing (New52)
Scott Snyder (twitter) run: TPB Vol1/Vol2/Vol3 (“Rotworld”, relies on Animal Man Vol3)
Charles Soule (twitter) run: TPB Vol4/Vol5/Vol6
Red Lanterns (New52)
Peter Milligan (twitter) run: TPB Vol1/Vol2/Vol3
Charles Soule (twitter) run: TPB Vol4/Vol5/Vol6
Animal Man (New52)
written by Jeff Lemire (twitter)
TPB Vol1/Vol2/Vol3 (“Rotworld”, relies on Swamp Thing Vol3)/Vol4/Vol5
written by Jamie S Rich (twitter) and drawn by Megan Levens (twitter), covers by Joëlle Jones (twitter)
more a “no current plans for a second season” rather than cancelled
also by Rich & Levens: Ares & Aphrodite (digital weekly through Valentine's Day, TPB in April 2015)
also by Jones & Rich, and also drawn by Jones that is great: Lady Killer (Tumblr, interview with Jones)
earlier work also by Rich & Jones that Moisés digs: 12 Reasons Why I Love Her
Jamie S Rich's Amazon author page, because why not
Earth/Galactic Operatives is a team that defended humanity from evil forces. Its leader is washed up and trying to get his act (and life) back together.
written by Stuart Moore and drawn by Gus Storms
missing and presumed dead since April 2014, but with an issue #5 solicited for February 2015
Dex-Starr kitty cosplay
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